Rosatom Technical Academy
On 2 December 2019 at the Rosatom Technical Academy the IAEA INPRO Section started a Consultants’ Meeting on Trial Implementation and Review of the Basic Course on Scenario Analysis and Decision Support for Development of Nuclear Energy Systems with Enhanced Sustainability. The participants of the meeting are experts representing Armenia, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The Armenian representative is Director of Energy Strategy Centre of CJSC “Scientific Research Institute of Energy” Vahan Sargsyan. The scientific secretary of the meeting from IAEA – Ms Galina Fesenko presented a basic face to face course programme that includes lectures on nuclear energy system (NES) economic analysis and evaluation, scenario modelling, comparative evaluation and ranking of NES scenario options and developing a roadmap of chosen NES, as well as the draft E-learning to familiarize the participants with the INPRO collaborative projects under “Global scenarios” task and provide an overview of the associated tools.
“Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC carries out an ongoing activities to improve the qualification of specialists in the field of electrical engineering. From the 6th of November to the 3rd of December,2019 the Institute has organized TRAININGS on “Safety Techniques Rules” for 28 specialists from “Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company” , “Ararat Food Factory” LLC, Dilijan Special School serving «PRODECO»CJSC, “ARNDANE” LLC, “Grand Tobacco” LLC, “Consumers’ Consulting Center” NGO.
On November 19, 2019 a Report on “ARMENIA LEAST COST ENERGY DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 2020 – 2036” and on 19th of November 2019 was presented to stakeholders’ discussion prepared by the specialists from “Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC with the support of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia and within the framework of USAID Market Liberalization and Electricity Trading Program. The Report was made based on long-term planning principles and global experience, performing scenarios modeling and study of its results. The scenarios are intended to show off either target point for achieving least cost development of fuel system or, considering a specific current strategy(s), to identify/find the endpoint leading to predetermined least cost policy. Economic aspects of system development have also been investigated in this Report for ensuring target conditions. Technical feasibility issues have not been tackled here (proposed for further study, if necessary). USAID / Armenia Mission Director Deborah Grizer emphasized the importance of studied scenarios, which will allow RA Government analyze and consider various development tendencies to ensure Armenian Energy Security and Independence, particularly: “Here is a simple and comprehensive way to provide reliable and consistent energy supply at possible least cost. This is a model of how an identified policy can influence on investment needs and structure of Armenian Power System”, - mentioned in her speech. The proposed scenarios can have an important role in the development of Armenian Energy Policy. You can see
Study of Electricity for Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE), Identification of Defects and Recommendations for their Elimination
“The Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC (SRIE) had undertaken a work on "Study of Electricity for Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE), Identification of Defects and Recommendations for their Elimination". The professional staff of SRIE had carried out a study of electricity from 221 substation of ASUE, particularly inspection of transformer substation, low and high voltage sections of buildings, different measurements for identifying various parameters. After the study, ASUE was provided with final calculation results as recommendations for to control further electricity settings. The mentioned recommendations will help ASUE to have cost reductions, energy efficiency and security improvements.
Energy Efficiency Requirements of Energy Consuming Devicest
“Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC has won the Competition for EEU Technical Regulation amendments on “Energy Efficiency Requirements of Energy Consuming Devices” announced by UNDP. A Contract has been signed to set the energy efficiency requirements for gas consuming and other devices not included in the technical regulations.
Photometric Laboratory for Testing Photovoltaic Equipment
The Grand Opening of a modern Photometric Laboratory for Testing Photovoltaic Equipment was launched on the 17th of September, 2019 in the “Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC under the financial-technical support of “Regulatory Framework to Promote Energy Efficiency in the Countries of Eurasian Economic Union” Program financed by the Russian Federation and implemented by UNDP. The Event was honored by the representatives of the Embassy of the Russian Federation, RA state agencies, international structures, specialized organizations. The opening speech was addressed by Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Mr. Hakob Vardanyan, the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Armenia Mr. Dmitry Maryasin, Head of the Photometric Laboratory Mr. Sergey Abrahamyan. This Photometric Laboratory provides testing and verification of technical parameters (power (W), light flow (lm), lighting (lm/W), color temperature (K) etc.) of lighting devices within the framework of the EEU Technical Regulation on Energy Efficiency Requirements of Energy Consuming devices, as well as design of IES and LDT files used in DiaLux software. Currently, the Laboratory’s accreditation is under process which will give the Laboratory right to provide Certification of Conformity after testing a lighting device.
Climate change. Transparency frameworks and the Paris Agreement in Motion
On the 4th of September, 2019 in “Tigran the Great” Ballroom at “Armenia-Marriott” hotel a Workshop on “Climate change. Transparency frameworks and the Paris Agreement in Motion” dedicated to “Developing National Transparency Frameworks for Armenia under the Paris Agreement” was launched. The crucial point of this Task is to build institutional and technical capacities for meeting extended requirements of transparency according to Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. The parties involved are:
RA Ministry of Environment
RA Ministry of Economy
RA Ministry of Finance
RA Statistics Committee
RA Public Services Regulatory Commission
RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure
“Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC, which was a responsible Contractor for making the Energy Balance of 2016-2017.
Actually, the “Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC is evaluating the results of the 2nd stage of the National Energy Saving Program Action Plan. “Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC will participate in selecting the best methods for data collection on energy saving measures and discussions on methodologies for energy balance calculation ensuring comparability of the data presented in the Energy Balance and Energy Sector Assessments of National GHG Inventory. The Company will provide information and will participate in capacity building within Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT).
Market Liberalization and Electric-Power Trade Program
“Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC conducted a study on “Market Liberalization and Electric-Power Trade Program” by the order of U.S. Agency For International Development /USAID Armenia/ and Subcontractor Tetra Tech ES, Inc. support, which presentation was made on May 2, in Paris Hotel, Yerevan. Representatives from different branches of Power Sector and state authorities were invited in this Presentation, including:
RA Ministry of Infrastructures and Natural Resources
Public Services Regulatory Commission
“Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC
“High Voltage Network” CJSC
“Electric Power System Operator” CJSC
Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund - R2E2
The author and organizational participants of the Program were from:
Tetra Tech ES, Inc.,
USAID Armenia,
“Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC/SRIE
The Program was presented by Ph.D. Vahan Sargsyan, the director of Energy Strategy Center (ESC) of SRIE. The Presentation on “ASSUMPTIONS AND BASELINE SCENARIO RESULTS OF TIMES ARMENIA MODEL” (41 slides) covered:
Methodology description
TIMES Model Structure
Reference energy system components
Main assumptions
Development macroeconomic parameters
Technical/technological parameters
Baseline Scenario
Economic Parameters
Additional Scenarios
Analysis of Variable Renewable Energy Integration in the Armenian Power Grid
“Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC jointly with DHInfrastructure and under World Bank financing, is conducting "Analysis of Variable Renewable Energy Integration in the Armenian Power Grid" assignment.
Action Plan for Power Grid Strengthening to Support Renewable projects
“ Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJS Company jointly with Poyry Italy S.r.l. and under EBRD financing is carrying out “Action Plan for Power Grid Strengthening to Support Renewable projects” assignment. The main purpose of this assignment is a technical review and analysis of the existing situation of the Transmission and Distribution (T&D) networks of Armenia and an Action Plan, including the necessary measures and investments, that allow the smooth integration of VRE projects in significant amounts, i.e. at around 30% of generation system. .