Albert Baghdasryan
Tel./Fax: +374 10-222155
1.1 Hourly testingand adjustment of generators and compensators, load characterization and adjustment in short circuit and idle running modes,
1.2 Hourly (and not only) testing and adjustment of engines,
1.3 Hourly testing and adjustment of generatorsystems exciters by electromechanical and thyristorexciters,
1.4 Hourly repair and adjustment of exciters of automatic generator regulators,
1.5 Thermal test of electrical machines,
1.6 Testing and adjustment of power transformers, autotransformers, reactors, arc suppression coil,
1.7 Mode adjustment, testingand electric characterization of controlled electric drive,
1.8 Testing, checkup and adjustment of high-voltage transmission stations equipment:.
1.9 Bow resistance measurement,
1.10 Repair and adjustment of the following equipment:
1.11 Checkup and testing of power cables,
1.12 Check of heat-segregation over the contact joints of electrical equipment at Open-air Distribution Station and overhead lines,
1.13 Calculation of capacitive currentcompensation and measurement of single-phase current grounding in 6-35 kV networks,
1.14 Testing of dielectric security facilities (overshoes, gloves, etc.), tie poles, high voltage indicators, clamps and tools with insulating coating. Checkup and testing of electrical mounting climbing iron, wooden and concrete rod posts.
1.15 Construction design and work out of measures on thunderstorm protection,.
1.16 Document processing for scheduled and preventive inspection of electrical equipment:
1.17 Measurement of Pir (idle running) in 6-35 kV power transformers,
1.18 Construction and sample probe of substations and structures,
1.19 Design expertise of construction of 6/10, 35, 110, 220kV substations and overhead lines.
2.1 Regime adjustment of piloting, filtering andphase-comparison relay protection of overhead lines,
2.2 Adjustment of system automation (AUFLS, AR, etc.),
2.3 Complex adjustment of electrical equipment of the facility distribution stations,
2.4 Maintenance and adjustment of station battery storage and charging assemblies,
2.5 Adjustment of low-voltage power equipment (devices, contactors, non-contact and magnetic starters, electric-induction heater, etc.),
2.6 Adjustment and testing of transformers gas-filled relays,
2.7 Adjustment and testing of thermal power plants electric equipment,
2.8 Commissioning and adjustment of reconstructed structures and newly constructed structures of power system in the following directions:
3.1 Thermal testing of boilers and turbines defining the main technical and economic indices of the equipment,
3.2 Drawing up and processing of the energy normative parameters and fuelspecific consumption ofTPP equipment,.
3.3 Operative and setting up testing of boiler equipment: drawing up of operative cards for boilers and working out measures aimed at increase of efficient operation. Operation state analysis of burners and gas-air path,
3.4 Short-time testing of boilers and turbines before and after the overhaul to define the efficiency of the repair works done,
3.5 Adjustment and testing of the auxiliary equipment (heater drag-out blow gears, turbine condensers, cooling towers, supplying circulation and condensate pumps, system water heaters, etc.),
3.6 Adjustment of thermal networks,
3.7 Testing of thermal networks defining the thermal losses.
4.1 Repair, adjustment and maintenance of HPPs automation systems:
4.2 Repair and adjustment of fire-control automation and alarm signaling in the power system,
4.3 Repair and adjustment of turbo-units regulation and steam distribution system of automation of the power systemTPPs
4.4 Complex of testing and adjustment works on implementation of automation regulation systems of power system regime parameters (frequency, active and reactive power flows)
4.5 Drawing up, processing and implementation of emergency automationnew systems in international and intersystem cross-flow (Iran-Armenia overhead lines)
4.6 Processing of microprocessor systems: drawing up, implementation and maintenance of the following directions:
5.1 Working out and implementation of measures aimed at improvement of equipment operation for water preparation at TPP, NPP and regional TPPs,.
5.2 Analysis and adjustment of thermal and mechanical equipment for water chemical regimes and water cooling circulation systems at TPP and NPP, working out and implementation of measures aimed at their stabilization,.
5.3 Dry-cleaning of boilers, turbo unit condensers, thermal networks heating mainsbefore and after the operation,.
5.4 Testing of thermal-chemical boiler plants,
5.5 Conservation of thermal-chemical equipment for short-term and long-term stoppage,
5.6 Justification for application on calculation of requested chemical agent and ion substitutes,
5.7 Precommissioning in chemical salt-refineries, condensate refining plants, recharge pump plants of thermal networks, mud flow treating ponds ofTPPs and Urban and Regional PPs,
5.8 Sample analysis of thermal-chemical equipment for water chemical treatment, ion substitutes, filters, power system pipelines,
5.9 Chemical analysis of water, stream, chemical agents, electrolyte, fall-out,
5.10 Project expertise and processing of water chemical regimes and water preparation,.
5.11 Quality control of fresh oil. Brief and comprehensive analysis of operational power and industrial oil,.
5.12 Chromatographic analysis of dissolved gases in transformer oil,
5.13 Analysis of natural gas by chromatograph and calorimetric bomb,
5.14 Analysis of absorbing characteristics of silica gel in thermal-siphon filters of transformers.
6.1 Analysis of metal and compositions by anticorrosive methods (supersonic, powder-magnetic flaw detection, gamma and X-ray metallography),
6.2 Analysis of boilers, turbines, pipeline metal elements and welding, including identification of strength operation life by the method of hot stiffnessin laboratory and high-temperature conditions, metal arc examination, boiler control, chemical and metallographic analysis of metal on complying with the specifications set by State Standards (ГОСТ), Branch Standards (ОСТ) and Standard Specifications (ТУ),
6.3 Examination of the condition of turbine metal setting, tanks, capacities, cylinders, high and low pressure pipelines,.
6.4 Input checkup of metals,.
6.5 Examination of metals with expired operation life and preparation of documents for replacement and further service
7.1 Testing on evaluation of noxious emissions of combustion gases, TPP boilers, efficiency estimation of reconstructions and measures aimed at reduction of TPP emissions,
7.2 Elaboration and drawing up of maximum permissible norms of TPP emissions,
7.3 Control analysis of TPP and NPP polluted waters on evaluation of oxygen biochemical demand,.
7.4 Elaboration of maximum permissible norms of emissions into the water sources,
7.5 Work area sanitary analysis of TPP, power system and other facilities by the following factors:
8.1 Technical examination of the electric power equipment in all directions of “Energonaladka” affiliate production activities,
8.2 Expertise of projects, programs, draft proposals according to the activity directions of the affiliate,.
8.3 Training and certification of welders and defectologists,
8.4 Organization of oil and fuel chemical laboratories at the facilities and appropriate training of the personnel.