Renewable Energy and Energy Saving Laboratory
Aram Sergey Harutyunyan
PhD, CIS Honoured Power Engineer
Tel.: +374 10 542-793
Main directions of the laboratory activity:
Scientific support to the energy audits of power supply and power consumption installations
Development of the theoretical part of energy saving measures, mathimatical models and computer software packages
Development of energy saving measures for 110 kV and higher transmission networks, as well asfor110 – 0.38/0.22 kV distribution networks
Scientific support and guidance for introduction of energy saving measures
Feasibility study calculations of energy saving potential and measures,
Calculations and study of reliability and voltage quality indicators for consumers, development of improvement recommendations.
Database creation, modeling and calculation of the current schemes and regime data
Assessment of energy saving, electricity quality indicators and supply reliability in 6(10) – 0.38/0.22 kV distribution networks and development of the draft programs aimed at the provision of recommendations to the improvement of the aforesaid issues.
Calculationand analysis of reactive power regimesindifferent enterprises, development and provision of equalization measuresfor reactive power
Modeling ofthe regimesof planned small HPPs or the ones operated on asynchronous generators, as well as calculations of the regimes, analysis of the results, development of reactive power equalization measuresand provision to the client
Implementation of other thematic works and projects, research and analysisof the results, development of recommendations
Joint implementation and coordination of scientific and technical works with other laboratories and organizations.
Elaboration of policy and strategy for renewable energy development and environmental protection
Research on reserve potential of alternative energy sources
Studies of technologies and investment market, assessment of feasibility and ecological efficiency of pilot projects
Conceptual research on legal and regulation field development, as well as investment policy and strategy
Development of programs for promotion of investments in the sector by means of scientific support to these programs and provision of consulting services
Assessmentoftechnicalindicators ofthenewengineeringdesigntesting
Organisation of seminars, round tables, public and professional discussions targeted at scientific cooperation, experince exchange, technology transferandprograms
Organisationof scientific, educational discussions and events on renewable energy and climate change issues, as well as participation in such events
Collection and classification of the required measuring, technical, constructional, economical, climate and other data needed for the development of technical project
Projects implementation and course guidance, identification of technical and economic indicatorsafter thesystems commissioning and development of conclusions
Preparationof legal, normative-technical documentation and permission packages
Preparationof the draft projects for submission toan independent expertevaluation.