Historical Overview
The history of the “Scientific Research Institute of Energy” CJSC goes back to 1948. During 1948 -1963 it was in the membership of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia initially acting as an electrical engineering laboratory and was reshaped as an institute thereafter. Three scientific research institutes were separated from the Institute of Energy afterwards, namely: “Institute of Cable Techniques”, “Kaytsak” and “ArmAtom” (formerly known as High Voltage Laboratory). It was designated as “Scientific Research Institute of Energy” in 1994. Currently, the Scientific Research Institute of Energy is a closed joint-stock company with 100% of shares in the State ownership. The Company carries out its economic activity as a commercial organization. Over the years of its activity the Company has been collaborating with “Settlement Center” CJSC, “Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC, “Armenian Nuclear Power Plant” CJSC, “High Voltage Grids” CJSC, Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund/R2E2, as well as with other local major non-energy structures and international organizations (United States International Development Agency/USAID, World Bank, KfW, IFC, International Energy Agency, International Atomic Energy Agency, etc.).
The Company has a large base of devices and equipment with modern software and has developed its administrative structure.
Administrative staff (General Director, First Deputy Director , Deputy Director, Chief Engineer, Chief Accountant),
Scientific-technical laboratories (Laboratory of Electric Power, Laboratory of Energy Saving, Laboratory of Technical Norms, Laboratory of Renewable Energy and Ecology, Laboratory of Seismic Measurements and Testing, Laboratory of Energy Measurements and Testing),
Scientific-technical departments (Department of System of Electric Power Supply, Department of Power System Control Development, Department of Post-Graduate Study and Information),
Training Center of Power System Leading Personnel,
“Energy Strategy Center” branch,
Account Department,
Administrative-Economical Department.
Corporative Management
State Registration Certificate of the Company
The Company’s Charter
Annul Declaration on Corporative Management of the Company
Implemented Programs
Software package for electric networks steady-state regime calculation and optimization,
Software package for electric power supply reliability calculations,
MEDEE, MAED (models for energy assessment and analysis, energy carriers and electric power demands),
WASP, ENEPEP/BALANCE, MESSAGE, MARKAL (software package for developing processes of analyzing, planning and assessing/optimizing generation system, as well as investigating its impacts on environment),
SIMPACTS, GEMIS, RETScreen, LEAP (Tools for assessing impacts on human health and environment in the frame of energy development ),
GTMax (software package for optimizing power system operation in real time),
PSS/E (calculation of flows, dynamic stability calculation, optimal flows).